Below is a brief demo of our Connect and Collaborate hybrid meeting technology. This video conferencing tech is included in our standard DDR.
Watch the demo to get a better idea of the sound and audio quality you can expect. This tech is great for smaller meetings but it does have limitations. If you need professional, studio quality output you may wish to consider upgrading to something like the Simple Studio package, demoed further down this page.
Watch this demo for our Simple Studio Experience, for those important occasions when you need studio quality output. Professionally share your event beyond the people in the room, record, livestream and edit your content on-site.
Planning hybrid + virtual events can be complex and confusing. We hope these demos help, but we know it only tells part of the story.
Our friendly teams are experts so please get in touch and we’d be delighted to help. We’re on 020 7395 1265, or use the form below and we’ll call you straight back.