Parker Street – Useful info

We know that speaking at, running or just attending a workshop can be a stressful affair.
With that in mind we’ve put together some links to information you may find useful before you arrive.

We are here to help, both on the day and beforehand, so if you need something just call us, email us, or if you are in the building, come and find us.

t 020 7395 1265

local hotels

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parking info

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boris bike info

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walk to wallacespace

location map

wallacespace st pancras
22 Dukes Road, London, WC1H 9PN
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wallacespace clerkenwell green
18 Clerkenwell Green, London, EC1R 0DP
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wallacespace covent garden
53 Parker Street, London, WC2B 5PZ
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wallacespace spitalfields
Wallacespace 15-25 Artillery Lane, London, E1 7HA
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